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Joined: 24 January 2005
Posts: 107
26 February 2005 05:09 (UK time)

Does any 1 know where i can find a list of what all the scripts are and do, or if they have time type them and post em

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Joined: 02 February 2004
Posts: 90
26 February 2005 05:34 (UK time)

Did you try in scripts section?

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Joined: 24 January 2005
Posts: 107
27 February 2005 04:54 (UK time)

ya, that place sucks, theres only like 7 or 8 differnt scripts

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Joined: 02 February 2004
Posts: 90
24 March 2005 20:57 (UK time)

Well you know most of the scripts stuff, well wat they do is in there name for example the 1 for teleporters has the name teleporter in it and stealth zone has stealth zone in it. Im pretty sure if you find away to contact johnathan wills he knows all that stuff cause he helped create alot of renegade and renegade2 I believe.

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Joined: 02 February 2004
Posts: 90
25 March 2005 04:43 (UK time)

Ok here is a hufe list of scripts lol from renhelp doc

Scripts Explained
Visit Here For The Most Recent Version

First version of this, i will do what i can to get it more updated, and more explained... as well as some pictures, and samples as soon as possible, i have a lot on my tray right now, so i am doing what i can...

This is kind of a "work in progress", i will be working on this as i can, and updating as frequent as possible.

If you have any suggestions, or other scripts that you have heard of or found, please email me with as much info on them as you can @

AI Scripts
Building Scripts
Sound and Cinematic Scripts
Game Mode Scripts
Zone ONLY scripts
Single Player ONLY Scripts
Miscelanous Scripts


Useful Found AI Scripts
Scripts used to attach to AI bots, to make them do useful stuff.

M00_Action **coming soon
Use this to make soldiers/vehicles attack targets

MinAttackDistance: just as the name states
MaxAttackDistance: again, just as it states, in meters
AttackTimer: number of seconds in between when it looks for another target

Bots run and follow player(s), right up there butt, but they follow them.

To make the "Bots" look for the player.. similar to PDS_Test_Follow_Player

Similar to above, but makes them "less annoying".

Will make a unit/vehicle follow the requested waypath

WaypathID: the id of the ENTIRE Waypath
WaypointStartID: the FIRST triangle of the waypath
WaypointEndID: the LAST triangle of the waypath
**when using this, if you want the unit/vehicle to stay on the path, make it looping, and make sure the unit/vehicle has DIRECT line of site to the startID

Unit this script is attached to will "goto" the players current position

Attach this to your Engineer's to have them repair units/objects with the M03_Engineer_Target script attached.
RepairPriority: The priority inwhich to repair this unit/object (default:96)

Use this to define units/objects for the M03_Engineer_Repair script

Untested Engineer script

Attached to a unit/object, this script will play the designated text cinematic when poked ("E" or action key)
ControlFileName: name of the *.txt to play ("yourscriptname.txt";)

Will create an object, once the object that holds this script is destroyed.
Drop_Object: this is the PRESET name of the object to drop.
Drop_Height: this is a modified z location to drop the object, use alot of testing to get this right.
Probability: % chance that this object will be created.

Exactly as the name states, used in Tutorial mission, not tested in MP...

Will prevent a unit that this is attached to from recieving falling damage.

Like above, only temporary, usually used for drop scripts.

Attached to a unit, this script will make a character heal in tiberium rather than be damaged.

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Useful Found Building Scripts
Various Building Scripts that can be attached to building controllers

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

Useful Sound and Cinematic Scripts
Various Sound And Cinematic Scripts, these are good to attach to "ghost" objects that you create

Use this script to play a sound... useful for attaching to NEWLY spawned or made items.
Sound_Preset: this is the Preset Name for the sound.
Is_3d: Select either 0 for no, and 1 for yes
OffSet: the location Offset of the sound.. this will take the CURRENT x,y,z and add these modifiers.
OffSet_Randomness: takes the offset, and adds a randomness to it.
Frequency_Min: the sounds "minimum" frequency (volume related)
Frequency_Max: the sounds "maximum" frequency (volume related)

Currently Untested for behavior results

Will set the current levels background music.
MusicFile: this is the sound file in mp3 format (ex. mySong.mp3)

Currently Untested for behavior results

Currently Untested for behavior results

This script will play the designated cinematic upon CREATION of the attached object.
ControlFilename: *.txt filename of desired cinematic script(ex. myCinematic.txt)

Currently Untested for behavior results

Game Mode Scripts
Game mode variation scripts, currently only one, and it don't work right, but i thought i would explain it anyway.

Here is the direct quote from the scripts comments by Greg Hjelstrom:
** GTH_CTF_Object2
** This script will make the object it is attached to behave kind of like a CTF "flag" by
** attaching to the opposing player who pokes it. If its position gets within a
** certain distance of the "enemy home" an internal counter is incremented. Once the counter
** reaches a desired number, an object in the level is destroyed. This object should be the
** only building owned by the flag's team so that they immediately lose.
** You should use this script on an object that has "projectile" collision only. Make a model
** of your "flag", give it projectile collision and make a preset for it similar to the "Marker_Flag"
** in LevelEdit (you can find "Marker_Flag" under Object->Simple).
** CTF Rules as implemented:
** - this script controls how many flag captures cause a win
** - enemy poking the flag attaches it to him
** - enemy teammates can take the flag from each other
** - friend poking the flag sends it back to its initial position (only if its not carried by an enemy)
** - enemy getting the flag to his home position increments an internal counter
** - when win count is reached, all of the "Win_Object_To_Kill" objects are destroyed (make sure
** this destroys all of the enemy team's buildings
** Params:
** Update_Delay - how many times per second to update (this will *always* be laggy though...)
** Enemy_Player_Type - type of player that wants to grab this flag (0=Nod,1=GDI)
** Enemy_Home_Position - when flag gets here, capture count increments!
** Home_Radius - how close to home position we need to get to count
** Captures_Needed_To_Win - after this many captures, we destroy the token "building" for the win
** Flag_Stolen_Wav - wav to play when the flag is stolen
** Flag_Lost_Wav - wav to play when enemy team gets flag back to Enemy_Home_Position :-(
** Flag_Saved_Wav - someone killed the guy stealing the flag!
** Captures_Exceeded_Wav - flag has been captured "Captures_Needed_To_Win" times.
** Win_Object_To_Kill0 - object that we destroy when the capture count is reached
** Win_Object_To_Kill1 - object that we destroy when the capture count is reached
** Win_Object_To_Kill2 - object that we destroy when the capture count is reached
** Win_Object_To_Kill3 - object that we destroy when the capture count is reached

Zone Only Scripts
Zone only scripts, attach these to a normal Script Zone, and wala... new effects :)

GTH_Create_Object_On_Enter **coming soon
GTH_Drop_Object_On_Death_Zone **coming soon
GTH_Enable_Spawner_On_Enter **coming soon
GTH_Zone_Send_Custom **coming soon
M01_Use_Ladder_Zone_JDG **coming soon

Found SP re-usable scripts
SP only scripts, these will NOT work in MP mode.

GTH_Create_Objective **coming soon
GTH_On_Enter_Mission_Complete **coming soon
GTH_On_Killed_Mission_Complete **coming soon
GTH_Objective_Complete_Enter_Kill_Poke **coming soon
Some Miscelanous Scripts
Various scripts without category.

M10_Radar_Scramble **coming soon
M10_Radar_UnScramble **coming soon
GTH_Credit_Trickle **coming soon
GTH_User_Controllable_Base_Defense **coming soon
M00_GrantScore_Powerup **coming soon
M00_GrantPowerup_Created **coming soon
M00_GrantMoney_Powerup **coming soon
Use this script to disable Transitions on vehicles.

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Joined: 13 November 2003
Posts: 90
25 March 2005 17:17 (UK time)

I cant find a good way to do this... I'm making waypaths for my bots. I want them to follow it but when they see an enemy then stop and attack it. Then after it is gone, continue on their waypath. How do i do this?

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Joined: 24 January 2005
Posts: 107
28 March 2005 06:55 (UK time)


and second i am makeing aomething just like that and have the same exact problemi used m03_Base_Patrol but all they do is walk slowly, walk into walls and when they come incontact w/ the enemy they attack it but dont go back to there path.

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