The following terms and conditions are simple but strict, any members abusing them may have their membership terminated and may even be banned.
You agree to provide a valid email address (this is required for account activation anyway). Other personal information (including your name etc) is optional.
These forums are aimed at all audiences including minors. While we attempt to take steps to ensure that bad language is filtered out you must not swear or post any other content which is seen as inappropriate for these forums intended audiences.
You will not attempt to hack into or manipulate the system. This includes attempting to enter invalid information in your profile or adding script tags (which are automatically removed anyway) into your posts.
You are responsible for the security of your password. If you have reason to believe that you password may have been disclosed at any time then you must change it as soon as possible. In the event of somebody else using your details to post information you must contact us as soon as possible to report the violation.
The forum owners and moderators reserve the right to dismiss any members at their own discretion with no reasons given.