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Joined: 26 June 2007
Posts: 1478
24 September 2015 20:58 (UK time)


After getting intrigued by and reading lot about theory of computation/automaton theory/compiler design for months, I felt a nagging itch to get active and start coding something up in practice.
I made it my goal to create my own script/programming language, and implement an interpreter, and eventually perhaps even a compiler for it. That's when I came up with this project: Strolang.

And so, the last few months I've been spending lots 'n' lots of spare time coding on up a strolang engine (masuda and spy can confirm this :p). And now, I am about to proudly release a first version of it to the (small) public.

Strolang, at the moment (I'm kinda deciding the syntax bit by bit as I go), is a very c-like language, because I wanted to create a basic, non-specific, turing complete groundwork that I can safely extend upon later. There are not that many features as of yet however. In fact, it's still missing a ton of essential language construct and interpreter features - such as arrays, for loops, arithmetical brackets, and perhaps most importantly, a semantic analyzer (which in human language basically means: it won't check if the grammatically correct stuff you wrote actually makes sense too) is completely non-existent, and thus it'll happily crash to any nonsense.

But this is all planned! My own view on the quality of this first public version is that it's the first version that is not a complete and total abomination. :D

So without further ado, here's

strolang /path/to/program.strol

(the extension doesn't really matter, but .strol is the officialish file extension for strolang source files :))

// single line
/* multiline */

A program is simply a set of function definitions. That means that at the absolute top level, nothing except for function definitions is allowed. So no includes, or global vars etc (yet).
The entry point that the engine will look for is the function )

There are 2 types of functions: internal and external.
Usually you'll be writing internal functions, they have a header and a body block.
void function(int argument) {

An external function - though not really applicable yet as of now, since you there's no way to bind libraries yet - only has a header and a reference to an api id, and is written like so (and notice the semicolon here):
void function(int argument) -> some_api;

A block (such as the internal function bodies) is a list of statements surrounded by curly brackets. Any statement that is not a nested block must end with a semicolon.
{ statement; statement{} statement; }

A statement can be either of the following:
- A function call        : awesome();
- A variable declaration : int val; (declarations can have an inline assignment clause as well - however you can't chain multiple declarations inline with a comma yet)
- A variable assignment : val = 5;
- An if block : if(val == 5) { ... }
- A while loop block : while(val < 10) { ... }
- A return statement : return val; (the value, in fact even the whole return statement, can be omitted if your function is a void)

As of now, the if and while MUST have a block. There's no single statement version yet.

An expression can be a variable reference, a literal, a function call, an assignment, or an operation.

The following types are supported and work pretty much as you'd expect:
bool val = false;
int val = 5;
dec val = 5.3; (same thing as a float, but I like calling it a "decimal" more, hence...)
char val = 'a'; (char literal = single quotes!)
string val = "strol"; (string literal = double quotes!)

... and a function can also have the special type "void".

The following operators are supported so far (some of them have extra secondary functions, such as + for concatenating strings, but that's a topic on it's own that I'll write about in the more elaborate docs :p). They also work pretty much as you'd expect.
Arithmetic : + - * / %
Logical : ! && ||
Comparison : == != < <= > >=
Assignment : = ++ -- (the increment and decrement work both as prefix and postfix)

And finally: right now, there is one hardcoded simple barebones api for io. And keep in mind that these functions ONLY work for strings thus far, I'm fully aware that that's a major hindrance, but hey... it's v0.1. :)
string in()
void out(string message)
void err(string message)

Okay, I might've forgot to mention a few things, but that's basically it so far. Happy coding!! (well, mainly bug reporting) :choc(^^,)

This link is dead. It's only still here because, err... yknow, it's some sort of... memorial.

Edited: 24 September 2015 21:21

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Joined: 05 October 2007
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24 September 2015 21:20 (UK time)


For the record, the term "strol" was coined by me somewhere around 2009. I, for some reason (probably boredom), started repeating the phrase "trol, roll and strol" in school and it sort of got stuck in my head, so then when I logged in on IRC and on #jbgames (or #jbplay, can't remember what the heck it was lol), I typed it in there too.
Eventually it just became an inside joke that has lasted up to this day, and it eventually (sort of) developed a meaning as well, although it's somewhat difficult to describe. Something like silly, erratic and/or parodic behavior would come pretty close, I guess. :p
I was known as Naval War before.
I love and mod Amnesia: The Dark Descent.
Also an active osu! player:

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24 September 2015 21:22 (UK time)

Well, here's my first program in Strolang then! :D It's pretty much just a random mess, but it works! :D So here, take a look. (^^,)


int main()
out("Enter text to hotarunify (use caps for best result :D)");
string text = in();
int i = 0;
while (i < 10)
hotarunify(i, text);
out(i++ + ++i+"");
return 0;

void hotarunify(int i, string s)
out(++i + " " + s + 5 * "E");
if (i % 2 == 0)

nyasudah / masuda / mp / PetiX / PtX

Edited: 08 February 2022 06:26

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Joined: 26 September 2003
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14 October 2015 22:06 (UK time)

This seems cool even though I have no idea what I'd do with it! Cheers!

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17 October 2015 08:16 (UK time)

Another epic masterpiece for use with strolang 0.2 :D

int main(string[] args)
int r;
for (int i = 0; i < 25; ++i)
r = rng(50);
if (i < 10)
if (r % 6 == 0)
outln(i + " -> SOSUNS" + r * 'A' + (i % 6) * '!');
out(i + " -> KOO" + r * 'E');
if (r % 7 == 0)
out(" suchuruu~");
return 0;

And an updated ver of hotarunify enhanced with strolang 0.2 features

int main(string[] args)
string text;
if (len(args) == 0)
out("Enter text to hotarunify (use caps for best result :D)");
text = in();
text = args[0];

int i = 0;
while (i < 10)
hotarunify(i, text);
return 0;

void hotarunify(int i, string s)
out(++i + " " + s + 5 * "E");
if (rng(3) % 3 == 0)
out(" suchuruu~");

And finally testing arrays and elif

int main(string[] args)
int[] a;
int l = 10;

for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i)
a[i] = rng(100);

a = order(a);

return 0;

void list(int[] a)
int l = len(a);

for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i)
out(a[i] ->string);
if (a[i] % 3 == 0)
outln(" KOOEEEEE");
elif (a[i] % 3 == 1)
outln(" suchuruu~");
outln(" SOSUNSAAAA!!");

int[] order(int[] a)
int swap;
int l = len(a);

for (int i = 0; i < l-1; ++i)
for (int j = i; j < l; ++j)
if (a[i] > a[j])
swap = a[i];
a[i] = a[j];
a[j] = swap;

return a;

nyasudah / masuda / mp / PetiX / PtX

Edited: 17 October 2015 13:03

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Joined: 26 June 2007
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18 October 2015 00:14 (UK time)

^ awesome, these all work great in the latest alpha I just built. :choc

It's-a comin' soon...! :p

This link is dead. It's only still here because, err... yknow, it's some sort of... memorial.

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Joined: 26 June 2007
Posts: 1478
19 October 2015 23:20 (UK time)

Strolang 0.2 Konochan
aka: the array version

Well, here it is! This version is a lot cooler than the previous one. You can actually, like do things with it.

Grab it here.

Now, what's new?

Aha! Konochan's creme de la creme new feature.
Here's a little demo of how arrays work in Strolang. It's a bit non-standard, but not that much.

int[] arr = int{2, 4, 6, 8, 10};
outln(len(arr) + " is 5, the size of our array.");
outln(arr[2] + " is 6. Note that the index starts at 0.");
arr[2] = 7;
outln(arr[2] + " is 7 now.");
outln(arr[5] + " is 0, because the element is not defined.");
arr[5] = 12;
outln(arr[5] + " is 12 now.");
outln(len(arr) + " is 6 now, since the last operation on element 5 extended the array size.");
int[] otherArr = arr;
otherArr[0] = 3;
outln(otherArr[0] + " is 3.");
outln(arr[0] + " is still 2. This means that arrays are assigned by value, not by reference.");
arr = int{};
outln(len(arr) + " is 0, since we made it an empty array now.");

is not supported, yet.

string[] fruits = string{"apples", "oranges", "grapes", "prickly pears", "durians"};
for(int i = 0; i < len(fruits); i++) {
unless(i == 4)
outln("I like " + fruits[i]);
outln("I freaking hate " + fruits[i] + ". Screw those.");

if(1 + 1 == 2) out("Good thing math still works!"); else out("WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!");
while(1 + 1 == 2) out("Math is still not broken... could happen any time now...");


unless(1 + 1 != 2) out("1 + 1 is still none other than 2!");
until(1 + 1 != 2) out("the world will stay intact.");

while(1 == 1) {
outln("This statement will be reached");
outln("This statement won't be reached");
outln("This statement will be reached even though 1 won't ever be anyhing other than 1. Unless the law of identity breaks.");
outln("Who knows what it might be then. Maybe it will be 3. Maybe it will be 43848. Maybe it will be a cat sometimes.");

for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
outln("This statement will be reached 5 times.");
outln("This statement won't ever be reached.");

1 + 2 * 3 == 7
(1 + 2) * 3 == 9

2 ** 3 == 8
8 \ 3 == 2

a += b
a -= b
a *= b
a /= b
a %= b
a **= b
a \= b

a !& b // nand
a !| b // nor
a ^^ b // xor
a !^ b // xnor

"123"->int == 123
123->string == "123"
true->int == 1
1->bool->string == "true"

There's a lot more where that came from, but I'm not gonna be listing all of them. You get the idea. :)

main arguments
While in Hotarun there was the function int main() as the entry point, Konochan looks for int main(string[]). The string array contains the arguments passed from the command line. I couldn't add this previously, because there was no such thing as an array yet. :)

int main(string[] args) {
outln("You passed the following arguments to this program:");
for(int i = 0; i < len(args); i++)
out(args[i] + ", ");

Meanwhile on the command line...

strolang argsdemo.strol one two three

And that is all for now. Once again, have fun coding some strol programs. :choc

This link is dead. It's only still here because, err... yknow, it's some sort of... memorial.

Edited: 19 October 2015 23:41

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 Official Sponsor

Joined: 06 February 2005
Posts: 832
21 October 2015 12:54 (UK time)

First actually useful program written in strolang 0.2.1! A BrainFuck interpreter. :D

int main(string[] args)
//getting the BrainFuck source

char[] source;
outln("Type in your BrainFuck source code or press Enter to use the one in bf.strol");
string typedSource = in();
if (typedSource != "")
source = typedSource->char[];
source = "++++++[>+++[>++++<-]<-]>>.>++++++++[>++++++++<-]>+." ->char[]; //type your code here


int endOfCode = len(source);
int[] arr;
int minRange = 0;
int maxRange = 255;
int arrLength = 30000;
int dp = 0; //data pointer
int ip = 0; //instruction pointer
for (int i = 0; i < arrLength; ++i)
arr[i] = 0;


while (ip < endOfCode)
if (source[ip] == '+')

if (source[ip] == '-')

if ((source[ip] == '<') && (dp > 0))

if ((source[ip] == '>') && (dp < arrLength))

if (source[ip] == '.')

if (source[ip] == ',')
arr[dp] = in()->int;

if ((source[ip] == '[') && (arr[dp] == 0))
int match = 1;
while (match != 0)
if (source[ip] == '[')
elif (source[ip] == ']')

if ((source[ip] == ']') && (arr[dp] != 0))
int match = 1;
while (match != 0)
if (source[ip] == '[')
elif (source[ip] == ']')

if (arr[dp] < minRange)
arr[dp] = maxRange;

if (arr[dp] > maxRange)
arr[dp] = minRange;


return 0;

Alternatively you can also pipe a brainfuck source like this:
strolang bf.strol < brainfuck.src
nyasudah / masuda / mp / PetiX / PtX

Edited: 21 October 2015 15:03

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03 November 2015 12:42 (UK time)

And now something that even non-programmers can use! A game of 21 :D


int main(string[] args)
/////////// init
//string[] type = string{"spade", "club", "heart", "diamond"};
string[] value = string{"A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"};

int drawnCard;
bool[] drawn;
for (int i = 0; i < 52; ++i)
drawn[i] = false;

string[] player;
string[] dealer;
int pi = 0;
int di = 0;

int win = 0;

string action = "";

/////////// main

outln("stop - s | draw - almost anything else :D | dealer must draw on 16 and below");

//new game's initial hand
drawnCard = draw(drawn);
drawn[drawnCard] = true;
player[pi] = value[drawnCard % 13];

drawnCard = draw(drawn);
drawn[drawnCard] = true;
dealer[di] = value[drawnCard % 13];

drawnCard = draw(drawn);
drawn[drawnCard] = true;
player[pi] = value[drawnCard % 13];

drawnCard = draw(drawn);
drawn[drawnCard] = true;
dealer[di] = value[drawnCard % 13];

outln("Dealer has: * " + dealer[1]);
out("You have: ");

win = check(player, dealer);

if (win == 0)
out("action: ");
action = in();

//player's turn
while ((win == 0) && (action != "s"))
drawnCard = draw(drawn);
drawn[drawnCard] = true;
//outln(type[drawnCard / 13] + " " + value[drawnCard % 13]);
player[pi] = value[drawnCard % 13];

out("You have: ");

win = check(player, dealer);
if (win != 0) break;

out("action: ");
action = in();

//dealer's turn
while ((win == 0) && (sum(dealer) <= 16))
drawnCard = draw(drawn);
drawn[drawnCard] = true;
dealer[di] = value[drawnCard % 13];
win = check(player, dealer);

out("Dealer has: ");

//final evaluation
if (win == 1) outln("You won!");
elif (win == -1) outln("You lost!");
elif ((win == 0) && (sum(player) > sum(dealer))) outln("You won!");
elif ((win == 0) && (sum(player) < sum(dealer))) outln("You lost!");
else outln("Tie");

int draw(bool[] drawn)
int card = rng(52);

while (drawn[card])
card = rng(52);

return card;

int check(string[] p, string[] d)
int psum = sum(p);
int dsum = sum(d);

if (psum > 21) return -1;
if (dsum > 21) return 1;
if (len(p) == 2)
if ((psum == 21) && (dsum == 21)) return 483;
if (psum == 21) return 1;
if (dsum == 21) return -1;
return 0;

int sum(string[] hand)
int s = 0;
int Acnt = 0;
int l = len(hand);

for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i)
if (hand[i] == "2") s += 2;
elif (hand[i] == "3") s += 3;
elif (hand[i] == "4") s += 4;
elif (hand[i] == "5") s += 5;
elif (hand[i] == "6") s += 6;
elif (hand[i] == "7") s += 7;
elif (hand[i] == "8") s += 8;
elif (hand[i] == "9") s += 9;
elif (hand[i] == "10") s += 10;
elif (hand[i] == "J") s += 10;
elif (hand[i] == "Q") s += 10;
elif (hand[i] == "K") s += 10;
elif (hand[i] == "A") ++Acnt;
else outln("You shouldn't see this lol");

if (Acnt != 0)
if (Acnt > 1)
s += Acnt - 1;
if (s + 11 > 21)
s += 11;

return s;

void showCards(string[] hand)
int l = len(hand);
for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i)
out(" " + hand[i]);
outln(" => " + sum(hand));

nyasudah / masuda / mp / PetiX / PtX

Edited: 03 November 2015 13:13

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Posts: 832
15 December 2015 18:02 (UK time)

This time I made a simple mandelbrot set. :D
                                                 . .
. **.
.* *.*******......
.. * *****************************.
.********. .*******************************
. .******************************************.
. .******************************************.
.********. .*******************************
.. * *****************************.
.* *.*******......
. **.
. .

And here's the code for it:
int main(string[] args)
int w = 79;
int h = 23;
int cycles = 25;
dec minR = -2.0;
dec maxR = 1.0;
dec minI = -1.2;
dec maxI = 1.2;
dec rFact = (maxR - minR) / (w - 1);
dec iFact = (maxI - minI) / (h - 1);
dec r;
dec i;
dec Zr;
dec Zi;
dec Zr2;
dec Zi2;

for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y)
i = maxI - y * iFact;

for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x)
r = minR + x * rFact;
Zr = r;
Zi = i;

int n = 0;
while ((n < cycles) && (Zr * Zr + Zi * Zi < 4.0))
Zr2 = Zr * Zr;
Zi2 = Zi * Zi;

Zi = 2.0 * Zr * Zi + i;
Zr = Zr2 - Zi2 + r;

if (n == cycles)
elif (n > cycles / 2)
out(" ");

There's also a much better looking fractal I made in Javascript attached to this post. Feel free to check it out. (^^,)
nyasudah / masuda / mp / PetiX / PtX

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Joined: 26 June 2007
Posts: 1478
15 December 2015 19:56 (UK time)

Very cool one - and thanks for the two bug reports you dug up while making this one :D

After a short hiatus I've picked up the work on strolang again a couple weeks ago.
It's coming along fine, and seeing as how it's going to contain a few more advanced features as well as how the code health has been vastly improved compared to 0.2 I have a feeling it's gonna be an awesome version... stay tuned! :choc:choc:choc

EDIT: oh yea, I forgot to publicly release that 0.2.1 version from way back. Not gonna bother making a big announcement over it, it was made solely for supporting masuda's brainfuck interpreter, so you'll need it if you wanna run that one.

From the yet unreleased changelog:

v0.2.1 Konochan+
[ADD] string to char[] conversion
[ADD] char[] to string conversion
[MOD] conditional expression values are implicitly converted to booleans

Get it in the attachment below.

This link is dead. It's only still here because, err... yknow, it's some sort of... memorial.

Edited: 07 February 2016 17:15

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Posts: 832
07 February 2016 17:39 (UK time)

A strol little program to 'welshify' a given text (according to Para's specifications :D) for strolang 0.3
Y sstrol llitttle prryggrram tto 'wellshiffyy' y ggivyn ttexxtt (yccccyrddynng tto PPyrry'ss speccyffycytionss :DD) ffyrr ssttrryllyng 0.3


int main(string[] args)
string src;
char[] welsh;
int wi = 0;
int rnd;
char c;
string vowels = "aiueo";
string consonants = "qrtzpsdfghjklyxcvbnm";

outln("Enter text to welshify.");
src = in();
int l = len(src);

for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
c = charAt(src, i);
rnd = rng(0, 2);

// w -> ŵ
if (c == 'w' && rnd)
welsh[wi] = 'ŵ';

// W -> Ŵ
elif (c == 'W' && rnd)
welsh[wi] = 'Ŵ';

// small vowels -> y
elif (indexOfChar(vowels, c) != -1 && rnd)
welsh[wi] = 'y';

// capital vowels -> Y
elif (indexOfChar(toUpperCase(vowels), c) != -1 && rnd)
welsh[wi] = 'Y';

// consonants -> 2x
elif ((indexOfChar(consonants, c) != -1 || indexOfChar(toUpperCase(consonants), c) != -1) && rnd)
welsh[wi] = c;
welsh[wi] = c;

// rng fails and others
welsh[wi] = c;

return 0;


int indexOfChar(string s, char c)
char[] str = explode(s);
int pos = -1;
int l = len(str);
int i = 0;

while (pos == -1 && i < l)
if (c == str[i])
pos = i;

return pos;

char charAt(string s, int i)
char[] str = explode(s);
return str[i];

string toUpperCase(string s)
char[] str = explode(s);
int l = len(str);

for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
if (str[i]->int >= 97 && str[i]->int <= 123)
str[i] = (str[i]->int - 32)->char;

return join(str);

nyasudah / masuda / mp / PetiX / PtX

Edited: 07 February 2016 17:40

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Joined: 26 June 2007
Posts: 1478
07 February 2016 19:01 (UK time)

Strolang 0.3 Honokachin
aka: the expressive version

It's been a while, but here it finally is. This version has had a huge focus on internal refactoring (especially on the implementation of arrays and operators), but there are quite a few new features and fixes as well, some of them being extremely useful.

Snatch it here.

Okay, here's what's new.


42 // decimal
0b101010 // binary
052 // octal
0x2A // hexadecimal



\n = newline
\r = carriage return
\t = tab
\' = single quote
\" = double quote
\\ = backslash

int first, second, third;
int first = 1, second = 2, third = 3;

0b101100 << 2 == 0b10110000 // left bitshift
0b101100 >> 2 == 0b001011 // right bitshift
~0b1010 == 0b11111111_11111111_11111111_11110101 // bitwise NOT
0b1010 & 0b1100 == 0b1000 // bitwise AND
0b1010 ~& 0b1100 == 0b11111111_11111111_11111111_11110111 // bitwise NAND
0b1010 | 0b1100 == 0b1110 // bitwise OR
0b1010 ~| 0b1100 == 0b11111111_11111111_11111111_11110001 // bitwise NOR
0b1010 ^ 0b1100 == 0b0110 // bitwise XOR
0b1010 ~^ 0b1100 == 0b11111111_11111111_11111111_11111001 // bitwise XNOR

int[][] twodim = int[]{
int{1, 2, 3},
int{4, 5, 6},
int{7, 8, 9}};

twodim[1][2] = 0;

) has two new useful functions: explode and join. This replaces the string to char[] and char[] to string conversions from 0.2.1.

explode("strol") == char{'s', 't', 'r', 'o', 'l'}
join(char{'s', 't', 'r', 'o', 'l'}) == "strol"

outln(true); // true
outln(42); // 42
outln(42.1); // 42.1
outln('a'); // a
outln(); // (blank, just the newline)

42 == 42.0
42 != 42.1

0 || "" == false
while(1) {...} // holy cow, infinite loop!

x++ x--
++x --x +x -x ~ !
** \
* / %
+ -
<< >>
< > <= >=
== !=
& ~&
^ ~^
| ~|
&& !&
^^ !^
|| !|
= += -= *= /= %= **= \= <<= >>= &= |= ^= ~&= ~|= ~^=

Alrighty, well I'm fully aware that my "documentation" on all this is kinda wonky so far, I'll try to do something about that in the next version maybe. For now, if you got questions, don't be afraid to ask.
Happy coding boys! :choc

This link is dead. It's only still here because, err... yknow, it's some sort of... memorial.

Edited: 07 February 2016 23:35

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 Official Sponsor

Joined: 06 February 2005
Posts: 832
07 February 2016 19:52 (UK time)

All the strols so far updated to strolang 0.3
nyasudah / masuda / mp / PetiX / PtX

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Posts: 1478
08 February 2016 00:03 (UK time)

Here's a new one written by me. It's a little hangman game. It took 20 minutes to code, and 30 to find one little bug. :p (I definitely need to make debugging Strolang programs easier in the next version lol)

EDIT: It's still a bit bugged on the whole game over thing but whatever. Feel free to fix and mod edit the code P. :D

MOD: it should work now //masuda

// hangman.strol

int main(string[] args)
string[] dictionary = string {

string[] stages = string {
" \n" +
" \n" +
" \n" +
" \n" +
"____ \n",

" \n" +
" |\n" +
" |\n" +
" |\n" +

" --+\n" +
" |\n" +
" |\n" +
" |\n" +

" ,--+\n" +
" |\n" +
" |\n" +
" |\n" +

" ,--+\n" +
" O |\n" +
" |\n" +
" |\n" +

" ,--+\n" +
" O |\n" +
" | |\n" +
" |\n" +

" ,--+\n" +
"_O |\n" +
" | |\n" +
" |\n" +

" ,--+\n" +
"_O_ |\n" +
" | |\n" +
" |\n" +

" ,--+\n" +
"_O_ |\n" +
" | |\n" +
"/ |\n" +

" ,--+\n" +
"_O_ |\n" +
" | |\n" +
"/ \\ |\n" +

char[] options = char {
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e',
'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j',
'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o',
'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't',
'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y',
'z', ' '};

char hiddenLetter = '-';

string word = dictionary[rng(len(dictionary))];

startGame(word, stages, options, hiddenLetter);

return 0;

bool startGame(string word, string[] stages, char[] options, char hiddenLetter)
char[] hits = char{};
char[] misses = char{};
string displayWord;
bool missFlag = false;
char guess;
bool validGuessFlag;

outln("Welcome to hangman. Guess the word, or else you will DIE.");

while(indexOfChar(displayWord = determineDisplayWord(word, hits, hiddenLetter), hiddenLetter) != -1)
outln(stages[len(misses) - 1]);
if(len(misses) == len(stages))
missFlag = false;

outln("Hits: " + join(hits));
outln("Misses: " + join(misses));

guess = 0->char;
validGuessFlag = false;
out("Guess a letter: ");
guess = in()->char;
if(indexOfChar(hits, guess) != -1 || indexOfChar(misses, guess) != -1)
outln("You already tried that one.");
else if(indexOfChar(options, guess) == -1)
outln("That's not an option.");
validGuessFlag = true;

if(indexOfChar(word, guess) != -1)
hits[len(hits)] = guess;
misses[len(misses)] = guess;
missFlag = true;

if(len(misses) == len(stages))
outln("Aww snap, you lost!");
return false;
outln("Grats, you won!");
return true;

string determineDisplayWord(string word, char[] hits, char hiddenLetter)
char[] wordChars = explode(word);
char[] displayChars = char{};

for(int i = 0; i < len(wordChars); i++)
char letter = wordChars[i];
if(indexOfChar(hits, letter) == -1)
displayChars[i] = hiddenLetter;
displayChars[i] = letter;

return join(displayChars);

int indexOfChar(char[] str, char c)
int pos = -1;
int l = len(str);
int i = 0;

while (pos == -1 && i < l)
if (c == str[i])
pos = i;

return pos;

int indexOfChar(string s, char c)
return indexOfChar(explode(s), c);

This link is dead. It's only still here because, err... yknow, it's some sort of... memorial.

Edited: 08 February 2016 01:23

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