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Joined: 27 June 2004
Posts: 1
27 June 2004 13:03 (UK time)

I have Internet explorer on my computer but I like to use Firefox as my regular browser but the thing is that none of the buttons that you have on your forum works with Firefox. When I try to login and click the button it does nothing. Even if I wait for couple of seconds. It's not really so big deal but for curiosity and such I would like to know if your forums only work on IE or is it because my b(r)owser.

I have allowed Firefox to use PHP if your forum is written on PHP but that doesn't help

Edited: 27 June 2004 13:06

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James Bunting
Joined: 17 September 2003
Posts: 1308
27 June 2004 19:24 (UK time)

Well I make a lot of web pages and I thought Firefox was a fighter plane controlled by thoughts and flown by that old guy out of Airwolf?

Ok sorry about that, I am aware that Firefox is basically Mozilla. I imagine that you must have a non-mainstream OS/computer or a good reason to use such a browser as Windows comes with IE and Linux has NS and some built in browser. Mind you there are people that install funny browsers on Windows etc just to be different but I really don't see why.

Basically the forums should work with IE and NS, I could spend years making them work with some others but its just not worth it. <b>The buttons/links are simple J.avaS.cript, there really is nothing complex about it</b>. As the actual forums are ASP they are server-side so your browser should be totally irrelevant.

I think your problem is J.avaS.cript, plain and simple. You will also need to allow session cookies (used for logging in but not stored after you leave the site) but thats a separate issue.

It sounds like you need to review your settings.

Edited: 27 June 2004 19:26

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