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Viewing Thread: Rod 2 Test re-released for Win32


James Bunting
Joined: 17 September 2003
Posts: 1308
21 February 2005 00:23 (UK time)

The Rod 2 Test was developed for DOS in 1999 and was the my first sector based game. This sector based engine was later redeveloped and used for Meteor 2.

This game is an excellent example of my early sector based work and has for this reason being made available.

The test contains 4 very simple levels and takes just mintues to complete (so don't get too excited). Feel free to make use of the editors and develop your own content.

You can download the test right here...

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 Official Sponsor

Joined: 06 October 2004
Posts: 287
04 March 2005 19:57 (UK time)

I really like the look of the first level.
The atmosphere is similar to what I had in mind for my game.
The red blinking lights, glass tube, and translucent hatch are nice touches. I also like the utilitarian/industrial look of the shuttlecraft. Most games nowadays make their spacecraft look too sporty.

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