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Viewing Thread: Antartica



Joined: 16 June 2005
Posts: 1599
20 August 2005 13:37 (UK time)

When CivilWar (at last!) got sent, I started to create a M2 mod. It's a sequel to CivilWar as Antartica. I can provide you with some screenshots and later on a beta test. Story:

The Headbase is beaten but one of the most important terrorists got away. He escaped to Antartica and made his own terrorist group.

**** Change Log ****

Changes from Regular Meteor 2 to Antartica Semi-Beta 1.0

* New menuback
* New background music
* New Ride-On Vehicle: Motorsledge
* Started 1st mission
* Changed Flashlight colour to turgoise
* Changed aim night light to turgoise
* Changed console colours to turgoise
* Reduced and increased the item and powerups values

Changes from Semi-Beta 1,0 to Semi-Beta 1,01

* Finished the first level and started making the second
* New Arctic Side

Changes from Semi-Beta 1,01 to Semi-Beta 1,02

* Completed the second map
* Added Frag Dynas

A really hard mission to make these changes. Also, when the next one is ready, beta testing begins!
Changes from Semi-Beta 1,02 to SemiBeta 1,10

* Totally rewroten the Items list and added separators
* Inserted "Winterland" as the credits tune
* Increased the enemy health
* Idea of "?" cottages that provide info
* Started the Base Snowstep map
* Started converting new powerups to objects instead of old
* Player now walks the same speed as the General
* Rewroten the weaponry mounts

Soon provided more!

For Better Meteor

Edited: 27 August 2005 19:36

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Joined: 16 August 2005
Posts: 46
20 August 2005 15:20 (UK time)

you have are busy aleksanteri.

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Joined: 16 June 2005
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20 August 2005 15:30 (UK time)

I am going to be busy!!

Edited: 21 August 2005 04:30

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Joined: 23 January 2005
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20 August 2005 21:38 (UK time)

It says "c is not a registered protocol"

haha, nice grammar: you have are busy aleksanteri

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Joined: 16 June 2005
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21 August 2005 03:40 (UK time)

Ilander isn't so skilly in English as I am. :)

<b>WOHOOO! I am a recognized member now!! :D

Edited: 21 August 2005 03:40

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Joined: 02 November 2003
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21 August 2005 04:10 (UK time)

You first have to upload the pictures on the internet before they can be downloaded. Try a place like, ect so people can view the images.

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Joined: 16 June 2005
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21 August 2005 07:04 (UK time)

Eh, me_mantis, which program did you use to create all those sprites?

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Joined: 26 September 2003
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22 August 2005 21:38 (UK time)

The 3D sprites that I made were modeled with IronCad 6.0 (
Its a professional cad package, and it really to pricey for an average person.

If you want to make sprites that look 3D, try a free 3D program such as Blender (¿ Or anim8r.

After i made a model, I would render a top view of it, and remove all the pixels that would be transparent with an image editing program.

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23 August 2005 12:44 (UK time)

Must be good, i can't find tho.

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Joined: 26 September 2003
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23 August 2005 16:20 (UK time)

ok try this link!

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Joined: 16 June 2005
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23 August 2005 16:25 (UK time)

thanks, moderator!

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Joined: 02 November 2003
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23 August 2005 16:28 (UK time)

Wow so thats your secerate? I just used GIMP, and i came out with high qualtity textures myself ;)

Ill see about this though... i might be able to learn how to do 3D if i decide to learn this blender program, and then i could start modding in the big leages like RA2, and ect ^_^

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Joined: 16 June 2005
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23 August 2005 16:37 (UK time)

I just got 3D Blender, I just can say that you can't get it on the first try!

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Joined: 16 June 2005
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24 August 2005 17:21 (UK time)

Here would be some screenshots!

Ok, this screenshot shows me modifying the "Red Laser". Watch the last option and I think you know what's the next modification!

Edited: 25 August 2005 14:52

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Joined: 26 September 2003
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24 August 2005 18:25 (UK time)

well blender is a complicated program, and it will take a while to get used to.

I still cannot use gimp because it crashes, and I just uninstalled adobe photoshlop 5.0 cuz all adobe stuff is lousy.

I made all my photo realistic textures by taking pictures from high above my subject, and then i offset them by 50% and I made the seam seamless with the clone tool and the smear tools.

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Joined: 16 June 2005
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26 August 2005 04:31 (UK time)


Heh, sorry for not giving any screenshots in a while, but this is again tha first level in under some modifications.

Quite a change?

Edited: 04 October 2005 07:04

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