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Viewing Thread: How do you make buildings and water and anything with map editor in the Beta?



Joined: 10 July 2004
Posts: 142
04 January 2005 02:57 (UK time)

I dont know how to make buildings and stuff. Im M1 it was easy but in this one a dont underdstand.

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Joined: 18 June 2004
Posts: 158
04 January 2005 09:21 (UK time)

Have you read the Meteor 2 Documentation?

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Joined: 02 November 2003
Posts: 979
05 January 2005 00:05 (UK time)

The Documentation might be alittle hard to understand. Buildings, landscape and ect. are all made with "Sectors" and not tiles. Ill cap off on how to make sectors (walls/water/landscape/ect). Basically, a sector is custumized shape that you can add textures to (a detailed color, such as grass).

1. Go to "Sector Mode" up on the tool bar (press "S" for shortcut)

2. Right clicking on the screen opens the properties of the "Base Sector" (the default sector with the X's on it), and any sector the mouse is on. Once in the sector's menu, click "New Sector".

3. Clicking on any spot in the map makes a sector verticie (pretty much a spot where one of the sector's corner/egdes/angles are). When having the grid on on various sizes, your virticie will go where ever there is a cross in the grid, but you dont have to use a grid at all.

4. Say you make a triangle of virticies, and you want to close your sector to finish making the shape. To do this, right click. You will see your shape in lines become filled with the red X's.

5. With me so far? To add a texture, right click the sector to enter its properties. There you can edit all sorts of stuff like the texture, if its solid, if its considered water, to add the water like effect on it, to turn it into a conveyor (a moving coveytor belt), ect. Read the documentation on explanations on these.

6. Youve made your first sector! YAY! To learn the rest of the editor(s), read the documentiation. I just wanted to clear up making secors themselves.

Edited: 05 January 2005 00:06

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Joined: 10 July 2004
Posts: 142
05 January 2005 00:30 (UK time)

I GOT IT YAY! Its really easy once you know how to do it. Way better then tiles! :D

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