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Joined: 16 August 2006
Posts: 424
14 September 2006 12:58 (UK time)

In the next m2 (or 3) verision shouldn't there be a new weapon like (hand)grenade or something? i made an hand grenade in m1 once but it didnt work so well :D. Or there could be time bombs or something like that.

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 Official Sponsor

Joined: 03 January 2004
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14 September 2006 20:34 (UK time)

It's been done. Crater and WW3 both have hand grenades, and The City (by Dave Man) has hand grenades as well. And it also has C4, which is basically a time bomb, it just ran at the slowest speed possible.
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Edited: 14 September 2006 20:35

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Joined: 20 January 2006
Posts: 396
14 September 2006 23:05 (UK time)

While we're on the subject of grenades can i sak that James fixes the bounce? I get really annoyed when I throw/shoot a grenade and it bounces back toward me instead of where it should go. It also gets annoying when in M2 the grenades sometimes get stuck in walls, almost like a hard to use timed C4 =D.

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Joined: 16 August 2006
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15 September 2006 13:31 (UK time)

Ok thanx 4 tha answers

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 Official Sponsor

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16 September 2006 14:37 (UK time)

Yeah that thing really is a pain. It seems to bounce okay if you hit a sector thats wall is either completely vertical, or completely horizontal. It manages to get really touchy around diagonal lines.
Legalize Crime.

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16 September 2006 17:57 (UK time)

It's always gone random ways for me. Even on those vertical and horizontal walls.

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Joined: 16 August 2006
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19 September 2006 14:36 (UK time)

He he thats just 2 bad :)

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Joined: 16 August 2006
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22 September 2006 12:58 (UK time)

One thing have i wonder about, is there ANY possibility to make Remote rockets, i heard some where here that there would be remote's in a mod.

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Joined: 26 September 2003
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22 September 2006 14:46 (UK time)

There are remote rockets in my RTSS mod for meteor 2. Not only do you gain control of the rocket, but as long as you are in it, you don't die... When it explodes, you appear back at your base.

If you don't think rockets are fun enough, try the appropriatly sized tomahawk cruise missle. It can pretty much clear out a whole base.

To get the mod, head over to and click the mods link for meteor 2. Then download the RTSS mod.

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Joined: 16 August 2006
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22 September 2006 18:20 (UK time)

Ok, and Me_mantis, have you put up my m1 beta mod yet? The mod for m2 is doing great here :D here take a look at a shot!

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Joined: 25 January 2007
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27 January 2007 14:27 (UK time)

I tried to make the sword go in a swinging motion. If james implements this, you might want to add that.

PS: I STILL think the ppl are too big lol.
"...And with his fight money, he bought two of each animal on earth, then he herded them onto a boat, where he beat the crap out of every single one!*bangs grenades together*" -Team Fortress 2 Soldier
Headshot! Double Kill! Triple Kill! Overkill! killtacular! Killtastrophe! Killimanjaro! Killprocalypse!... Kil-Killionaire?! What happened to kill#9?!
"Oh shit, hes got THE HALO 1 PISTOL! RUUUUUUN!"
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James Bunting
Joined: 17 September 2003
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27 January 2007 16:05 (UK time)

I think that you can have a seperate sprite firing and idle weapons (I am not sure now). Therefore the sprite animation should be able to deal with the swinging effect.

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Joined: 20 January 2006
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27 January 2007 16:32 (UK time)

Replace muzzle flash with weapon animation. Hows that for an idea?

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Joined: 16 August 2006
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27 January 2007 21:01 (UK time)

yeah i all ready made one.

Edited: 27 January 2007 21:03

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