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Joined: 02 November 2003
Posts: 979
22 September 2005 03:27 (UK time)

REPOST IN THIS EDITING: (my posts are not making new threads in Suggestions, why its here)

Here is an idea, well, more of a need/want for my mod that i am making. How about in the object editor/weaps placement screen, a function that basically says "Number of max weapons can hold (ONLY TRUE IF PLAYER CHAR!): x "? Basically, if you set it to 2, can only hold 2 weapons at a time, even though the object supports all the weapons in the game.

You could then incorperate an in-game button (such as backspace), that throws away whatever weapon you currently have on the ground. Of course, the game will set the newly-infront-of-you spawned powerup with no ammo, so if you pick it up, you cant continuously get more ammo (this is only true if the weapon is owned by the player and is then DROPPED by the player). This could add a new stratigie to game mod's, ect, by a "choice" of which weapon to use. For the main M2 campange though, keep it so the player can pick up all the weapons for gameplay's/classic's sake ;)

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Joined: 23 January 2005
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22 September 2005 04:31 (UK time)

I likee

lol you said champaign

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Flammable Maniac

Joined: 30 June 2004
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22 September 2005 13:36 (UK time)

No thanks, I don't drink.

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Joined: 23 January 2005
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22 September 2005 15:25 (UK time)

Let's not have this thread turn into spam too...if I were a moderator i'd comment on your last post to add some relation to the topic...

I think this idea would benefit from some new SCs too:

//sets the maximum object inventory

//stops m2 from limiting

SC_SetItemNotDroppable("Machine Gun",X);
//prevents a required gun to be droppable

ALSO this idea would need to the player be able to carry nothing.

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Joined: 26 September 2003
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22 September 2005 16:22 (UK time)

<i>No thanks, I don't drink.</i>

lol-- too funny to be spam!

I think that this would make the game much harder, and a bit more realistic.

We talkied about this a while ago, and it made it way to rpg like. Giant pockets are the best option.

I'd like a way that you can stop certian characters from grabbing powerups that they cannot use.

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Joined: 02 November 2003
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22 September 2005 20:38 (UK time)

That isnt waht i ment, i said that i would like M2 iteself to stay the same, but a modder could choose to set his player to have limited weapons, ect. Unless this is possible already through the game in some fancy way of editing.

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Joined: 16 June 2005
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22 September 2005 20:40 (UK time)

A modder like you?

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 Official Sponsor

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22 September 2005 20:58 (UK time)

i <u>talkied</u> about this too, but it can mess with the "fast paced" action of the game that M2 is supposed to bring out to you. Could be neat though, but not for the M2 campaign. Maybe when the full game is released, James could use ideas to make a "Modder's edition" patch that will have all (or most) of these type ideas.

BTW this would be great for Mike's Halo mod since it uses a weapon-trading style like that.
Legalize Crime.

Edited: 22 September 2005 20:59

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Joined: 02 November 2003
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23 September 2005 02:11 (UK time)

@aleks: Yes :)

@papercut: Again, im not talking about this being in M2 AT ALL! I am saying it for an option in the object editor for a player-type object if a modder decides to make a mod with this feature in their player char.

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Joined: 16 June 2005
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23 September 2005 05:36 (UK time)

Hey, that's real easy!

You could just take some weapons like if they should be made for the player but instead, <b>not give the guns to the player in the <font size=4>object editor.</font size></b>

Edited: 23 September 2005 16:00

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Joined: 23 January 2005
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24 September 2005 02:03 (UK time)

Um, then the player would never be able to use them, regardless of if the item is given to the player.

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