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Joined: 23 January 2005
Posts: 745
30 July 2006 20:47 (UK time)

I have some time to kill, so I thought I'd write a review of my latest game interest - True Crime: New York City.

It's been out for awhile now, but I just decided to try it because it looked like a good sort of police simulator...anyway I give the game about a 5.5/10 disappointedly because the massive amount of frustrations.

Now, first of all, you start off in training. The training is pretty good, it went smoothly and was well layed out. However, your buddy Terry dies and you refuse to "put on those blues" again. Meaning, you can't access the cop uniform outfit because you're too hurt with the accident with Terry. Not only do I miss the look of the cop outfit, but the absense of a uniform leads to other cops constantly mistaking you for a thug in your plainclothes outfit.

My interest was the various crimes dispatched to you (although I completed the storyline to see if I could unlock the cop outfit). These were fun, because you got to blast through traffic and either beat up and arrest the bad guys or shoot 'em. The variety of crimes is impressive - they throw car chases at you, marital disputes, store robberies, etc. The weakness here is the chases. The traffic system is as bad as that of driver 3.

Here is my long list of the game's greifs:
- So-so graphics: i.e. your cop cars look cool, but lighting is bad - transparent circles (blah)
- Cars move over for you when you hit the siren, depending on which lane you're in, but they never pull over, leading to
- Cars traveling perpindicular to you at an intersection don't stop or pullover , most of which slam into you, and your car goes out of control, typically mowing over a few civies, giving you negative police points
- Handling is a joke - it's jerky and awkward
- Collision is also a joke - cars don't seem to collide based on their polies, they collide as if there was a big invisible rectangle box around the car, leading to:
- If all lanes are full and stopped at a light, there's no way to get around, cars won't move over even with your siren, unless you want to plow through pedestrians on a sidewalk
- There seems to be a MASSIVE population of police, even though crime rates are supposedly high: About half of all cars and pedestrians on the streets are cop cars and officers
- Nearby cop cruisers or officers don't help you in your crime fighting unless shots are fired or guns are drawn
- No dynamic light...or the is, and is sucks
- MANY glitches - so many that I once flew through walls of an entire building because I pressed the arrest key and there was a thug on the ground on the other side
- When your health is down, you have to unsurely hunt for a pharmacy or restauraunt or hotel which are too scarce and too often closed.
- Stupid weapon selection system - you have to select from three catagores with the mouse wheel, then tap a key to scroll through the available weapons in your inventory. It's necessary to do this every time because the last weapon you used doesn't stay up- you need to bring it up each time by cycling through the damn inventory.
- Skimpy graphics options.
- Biggie: Unbelievable amount of vulgarities! Everyone who you even get near to curses you, saying things like "I'm gonna find you and kill you!" and "You f***ing a-hole." I was surprised at first but now I find it really funny. Even cops swear at you as if they were civies!
- Oh, and frustrating interaction with civilians...for example while frisking people in a shop, sometimes you accidentally try to frisk the clerk. This is a problem because the same key used for frisking also is used to grab a clerk and rob him. You get a lot of bad cop points for this.

Edited: 31 July 2006 04:45

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