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Viewing Thread: Turret Idea



Joined: 01 March 2005
Posts: 236
31 May 2005 01:25 (UK time)

What about seting the turret Rotation option for only some of the weapons instead of all of them at once.

Edited: 31 May 2005 01:26

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Joined: 02 November 2003
Posts: 979
31 May 2005 02:54 (UK time)

Nice. I HATE how the simple, and small, gun turret rotates at the same speed as the tank turret. It rediculously slow :|

There should be a varable for turrets on how fast the speed of turning is (it could just be a 1-10 varable, if you want to keep it simple). Also, howabout the tank turrets rotate when a player uses them, they dont instantly go wherever the crossheirs are ;)

That would be pretty nice

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Joined: 23 January 2005
Posts: 745
31 May 2005 22:48 (UK time)

Yeah, and that would also solve the problem where the cursor isn't centered properly when aiming with mulitple weapons.

Adding to this...I think when you right click and the turret instantly turns in the direction of the mouse. With Assasian's idea of setting the rotation speed, the turret should move slowly (or quickly, depending on the speed you set) toward the cursor. This would make it more realistic.

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