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Viewing Thread: Music Player upgrades


Dave Man

Joined: 19 October 2003
Posts: 374
08 April 2005 13:31 (UK time)

It would be neat if these options came with the music player in Meteor 2:

1) No more crashing bug. When you play a song sometimes Meteor crashes
2) Better sound quality. I noticed that modplug music player has extremely good quality that meteor 2 lacks.
3) A music list that you can customize and then use to play a list of music wihtout changing the song maualy! Very important.

Any other suggestions?

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Joined: 26 September 2003
Posts: 1152
08 April 2005 19:29 (UK time)

#1. I have been expieriencing this, but not very often.(I save before i change the song)
#2. Actually MPT has a few sound enhancing options that can be checked/unchecked on the general tab of mod songs.
#3. Well, When I want to listen to a list of songs, i use ModPlugPlayer, or Windows Media player.

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Dave Man

Joined: 19 October 2003
Posts: 374
09 April 2005 16:33 (UK time)

I use the same program (modplug) but these fetures would elimante the need to go back and forth between modplug (turning it off) and meteor to test out a level.

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Joined: 23 January 2005
Posts: 745
11 April 2005 23:41 (UK time)

1-I haven't experienced crashing yet
2-Sounds okay to me
3-Definately, this needs to be added

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 Official Sponsor

Joined: 03 January 2004
Posts: 1799
12 April 2005 00:09 (UK time)

-I dont use music in M2 so no crashing has never occured so far
-Better quality would be nice, but not too much of a need.
-Sort of pointless when the maplist editor chooses what music is to be played for which map to suit the theme of it. Yet it is a pretty cool thought. Maybe you could also pick from "Random" (picks any song from the music folder), "In order" (picks the songs in order of the list in the music folder or ABC order) and of course "Repeat" (The default "play over and over" setting)
Legalize Crime.

Edited: 12 April 2005 00:12

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