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Viewing Thread: Multi-Mode Weapons


Zable Fahr

Joined: 04 November 2004
Posts: 74
04 November 2004 09:06 (UK time)

Hi! I've just downloaded Meteor 2 about a few hours ago, and I have to say that I'm thoroughly impressed. I did play the original Meteor 1 (and I see that the map I submitted is still up :-) ), and so far Meteor 2 has just blown me away. I still haven't gotten around to trying out the new scripting so I don't know if this suggestion is one that can be implemented with scripting, but I'll definitely look into it. That said, I'd like to offer the following suggestion:

Multi-mode weapons

This idea is inspired from the game Perfect Dark (which has the most rocking multiplayer mode). In that game, each weapon has a primary mode (which is usually the one does damage) and a secondary mode (which may also deal damage, but can also be a utility function like extended scope).

My suggestion is that some (but not all) Meteor 2 weapons have one or more alternate modes. One way to implement this would be that each mode is a separate weapon, but they are considered a single player weapon in the HUD and the player can switch between modes. Since switching weapons is done with the mouse scroll, I suggest Ctrl+mouse scroll to switch modes. There should also be a keyboard shortcut.

The benefit (other than being amazingly cool) is that weapons become much more flexible and differentiated; do you want to get Weapon A which deals slightly more damage, or Weapon B that can switch to armor-piercing mode or sniper mode? Perhaps to make this a bit more useful is to have a delay associated with switching weapons (probably on par with reloading weapons), and switching modes will obviously take less time (or be instantaneous like weapon switching is now). This adds realism and also strategy to the game, since you'll have to think ahead about which weapon is best for the situation.

Any thoughts?

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Joined: 02 November 2003
Posts: 979
04 November 2004 21:34 (UK time)

Great idea, this would REALLY help in the mod i plan on doing after the offical release of M2. Its called: "Meteor: The Enlisted" (is based off of a game called Americas Army. My mod will be based on real-world weapons and missions/levels that an enlisted person would do, depending on certin ranks, which BTW, you can progress in.). In the mod, i would like to have 2 fire modes for a gun such as M-16 (being single [more accurate and less ammo consuming], and burst [shooting 3 rounds at a time, less accurate but deadly at close quarters].

Edited: 04 November 2004 21:35

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Zable Fahr

Joined: 04 November 2004
Posts: 74
06 November 2004 00:18 (UK time)

Oops, just realized that Ctrl is the key to fire; combining that with mouse scroll might lead to some unwanted effects (heh). Shift+mouse scroll might work though. Although if weapon switching delays are implemented, then it might make sense to have the mouse scroll switch modes and Shift+mouse scroll switch weapons, since it's pretty easy to accidentally scroll and then get yourself disabled in the middle of a firefight.

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 Official Sponsor

Joined: 06 October 2004
Posts: 287
06 November 2004 13:51 (UK time)

I think not having multi-modes would be simpler for modders and players.
But I'd click middle mouse button to cycle through modes.
Customizable crosshairs could easily indicate weapon mode (and look cool too).

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Agent Nightfire

Joined: 21 August 2004
Posts: 223
28 November 2004 03:46 (UK time)

Great idea! I agree with leaveing the mouse wheel for going through weapons. And for the average modder it would be hard for them to make multi-mode weapons but adding different crosshairs is a AWESOME way to know what you are shooting before you shoot. Great idea.

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Zable Fahr

Joined: 04 November 2004
Posts: 74
30 November 2004 07:45 (UK time)

Perhaps there can also be different crosshairs depending on the target (i.e. red when hovering over an enemy)? Might be a nice touch.

Too bad not many people like multi-mode weapons. Can there at least a way for a single powerup to grant multiple weapons then?

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 Official Sponsor

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30 November 2004 13:56 (UK time)

Different crosshair shapes will be essential in telling which mode I'm in. I know "clicking" the middle mouse button can be tricky, so maybe click left_shift to cycle between modes too. Since there will only be 2-3 modes, mouse wheel scrolling can remain the main weapon switcher for simplicity.

A custom crosshair for each weapon could be a small 8-bit alpha-only bitmap.
green blending = no target
blinking green blending = neutral target
blue blending = friendly
red blending = enemy target

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