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Joined: 10 February 2004
Posts: 3
10 February 2004 17:02 (UK time)

money would be cool in meteor
with money you could buy weapons, ammunition and other items from shopkeepers or arms dealers
post your comments here

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Joined: 13 October 2003
Posts: 52
15 February 2004 01:21 (UK time)

Well, I'm not sure about any of this, but I think that it would be quite a lot of work to add the money. It seems that Meteor is a game in which you simply pick up the weapons; from the alright Uzi to the powerful Fusion Cannon. I don't know about you, but I don't run out of ammo too much in the missions. However, this may be a good idea for a next version of Meteor if there will be such a thing.

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James Bunting
Joined: 17 September 2003
Posts: 1308
03 March 2004 22:06 (UK time)

Someone say money? Oh, in the game you mean, I get it now.

Its a nice idea in some applications, for example Meteor modding, RTS games and of course RPGs.

One possible idea with Meteor is to fool the game. What I mean is that you could already use "money" to open doors (activate tiles) by setting up an item called "credit" and having 100 credit doors ("100 Credits Required";)!

All that it needs the ability for special tiles to award items (say put a power up for a new weapon behind a 100 dollar door).

Ok so I know its not ideal (with the obvoius flaws being that money is collected using power ups and it can only open doors) but its just a thought.

As for a sophisticated (or "proper";) money system John is quite right is saying that its too much work for Meteor 1.


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James Bunting
Joined: 17 September 2003
Posts: 1308
03 March 2004 22:08 (UK time)

Oh I forgot to say....

Items (lets say "credits" in this case) could be set so that you take them to the next level (turn off reset on level change for the item) etc. I am sure that the modders among you are getting some neat ideas.


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Joined: 10 February 2004
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03 March 2004 22:52 (UK time)

i know that i can make doors with required item ie: credits
but here's the problem when you open the door that requires 100 credits you don't lose any of your cradits so by collecting 100 credits you can open all doors that require 100 credits or below.

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