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James Bunting
Joined: 17 September 2003
Posts: 1308
02 January 2006 01:38 (UK time)

Well its been over 7 years since the last Escape 2 update but here goes.

This is a Windows port of the original game, in fact it is a perfect replica of the original. It is not much to look at by modern standards but it features 2 player split screen and joystick/gamepad support.

James Bunting

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Joined: 16 August 2005
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02 January 2006 10:36 (UK time)

Wow! I Can,t Wait To download It!

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 Official Sponsor

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02 January 2006 10:37 (UK time)

THX! It's a great fun! I beat it immediately as I downloaded it! :o) Mouse and joystick control are funny too! My best item is the cloak dedvice. Why isn't any of them in Meteor(s)? The best thing in the whole game is that every map has a ton of TNT to blow up! :o)
Considered the fact that is your first released game it's really good!!
You say something about a map editor somewhere in the forums.. it would be cool!
Now i MUST beat it again so bye! :o)
nyasudah / masuda / mp / PetiX / PtX

Edited: 02 January 2006 11:34

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James Bunting
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02 January 2006 18:10 (UK time)

Glad you are enjoying it, I agree that its pretty neat for a first attempt at a game.

As for the Map Editor etc I will be creating a seperate editing suite (map and tile editors) which will edit files for all of the Escape 2 and Rod games. The plan is to convert Escape 2 Gold and then Rod to the Win32 platform. I doubt that the Escape games will change much in terms of new features but Rod will (i.e. higher res and mouse aiming etc).


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02 January 2006 19:46 (UK time)

I like it too.

It looks great and I think it would look even better with a MAPED system (map editor). Then you could open a "Escape ][ Maps" section to meteormods.

Edited: 02 January 2006 19:48

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 Official Sponsor

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14 April 2006 10:00 (UK time)

When will the seperate editing suite be released?
nyasudah / masuda / mp / PetiX / PtX

Edited: 14 April 2006 10:01

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James Bunting
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30 April 2006 22:39 (UK time)

A very good question and I am not really sure. I will take this as a push to get on with it.

It will start with a map editor, a tile editor would most likely come later.

These would be standalone applications but you will be able to launch your maps directly from the editor.

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01 May 2006 04:45 (UK time)

I found out that meteor doesent work with escape]['s tileset and vice versa, so it's a great thing
oh, and thanks for answering

and btw, animated tiles in escape][ are working the same way like in meteor?(pick up colours)
nyasudah / masuda / mp / PetiX / PtX

Edited: 01 May 2006 04:48

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James Bunting
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02 May 2006 23:48 (UK time)

Sure there are 2 types of E2 tile animation.

Method 1 is alternate tiles (used for rotors etc) where tiles swap alternately in a 2 frame animation.

Method 2 is pick up colours.

The animated tile numbers for the alternate tile animation can not be changed as they are coded in.

The pick up colours themselves can not be changed but tiles can be edited to use the existing colours.

The map editor development has already started, it is actually built into E2 (it is not a seperate application).

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06 May 2006 13:59 (UK time)

Wov! A map editing system? Can't wait for that.

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 Official Sponsor

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15 May 2006 18:39 (UK time)

So? Tell us about the progress of making the map editor, plz.
nyasudah / masuda / mp / PetiX / PtX

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James Bunting
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15 May 2006 21:06 (UK time)

Well its hard to put a time on it as I don't have a lot of time for my games at the moment.

It is however the first thing that I will finish. Once I get back into it I will have it done in a few days, its just a matter of getting a few days to get it done.


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 Official Sponsor

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08 June 2006 08:12 (UK time)

well it seems that you are really a very busy man.

This may be off topic but what happened with Super Paddle??
I found some music on for it. I cant find a word refer to it in this site. Was it an updated version of Kelvin's paddle game?
(screenshots from My hard tile floor, Synthetic dreams, Yaspt (thats in rod2 too!) 's info)
nyasudah / masuda / mp / PetiX / PtX

Edited: 08 June 2006 14:07

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James Bunting
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08 June 2006 08:23 (UK time)

Indeed so, no time for games or any sort of game related coding right now, I will bounce back soon I reckon.

Actually Super Paddle is nothing to do with me, it is purely coincidental.


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Joined: 01 March 2007
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18 November 2007 18:30 (UK time)

Rod has been completely forgotten. Anyway, I think it is a very funny game.
The Dark Age is upon us! Quake 2 mapmaker.

Edited: 18 November 2007 18:35

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