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Games / Renegade / Utilities
Sub Folders
13 files found
Renegade building files.
BUILDINGS.zip (45.3 MB)
Author: Westwood
Updated: 25/01/2005 18:47:47
CommandoEditor Tutorial v1.0
CommandoEditor Tutorial v1.0.
renegademappingtut.zip (2.07 MB)
Author: Ecraser
Updated: 25/01/2005 18:49:03
DXT Tools
Photoshop plug-in to enable viewing of the image files (textures) for Renegade.
DXT_TOOLS.zip (600 KB)
Author: Nvidia
Updated: 25/01/2005 18:53:55
GMAX 1.1
3D editing tool by Discreet used to create maps for Renegade. File includes the GMAX application, GMAX Help, GMAX Tutorials and GMAX Library.
gmax.zip (52.1 MB)
Author: Discreet
Updated: 25/01/2005 18:57:08
INI Files
INI files extracted from Renegade.
renini.zip (34.4 KB)
Author: (unknown)
Updated: 25/01/2005 19:32:04
Latios176's Renegade Tutorials
Latios176 has zipped together some links to helpful tutorials.
Latios176's Renegade Tutorials.zip (2 KB)
Author: Latios176
Updated: 25/01/2005 18:59:07
Latios176's Renegade Tutorials 2
Latios176 has zipped together some links to helpful tutorials, also included is a tutorial by Greg Hjelstrom entitled "Your First Map" and a tutorial by Mike9292 entitled "Transparent Water.
Latios176's Renegade Tutorials 2.zip (1.67 MB)
Author: Latios176
Updated: 25/01/2005 19:01:50
Latios176's Renegade Tutorials 3
Latios176 has zipped together some links to helpful tutorials also included is the WFG Tutorial Package - by Beach Head (Ingrownlip).
Latios176's Renegade Tutorials 3.zip (1.89 MB)
Author: Latios176
Updated: 25/01/2005 19:26:41
Renegade MIX File Unpacker Version 1.0
This program will unpack all the files from the "Mix" archives used by C&C Renegade.
unmix-10.zip (16.1 KB)
Author: Benjamin Haisch
Updated: 25/01/2005 19:38:56
Renegade Tools Installer 2
Tool to edit and make maps by Westwood to be used along with GMAX.
RenegadeToolsInstaller2.exe (23.6 MB)
Author: Westwood
Updated: 25/01/2005 19:40:31
Single Player Level Maps
Single player level maps for Renegade.
SinglePlayerLVLs.zip (10.5 MB)
Author: Westwood
Updated: 25/01/2005 23:06:47
Texture files for Renegade.
RenegadeTextures.zip (54.9 MB)
Author: Westwood
Updated: 25/01/2005 23:07:26
Vehicle files for Renegade.
VehicleModels.zip (3.95 MB)
Author: Westwood
Updated: 25/01/2005 23:08:05