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Viewing Thread: The best tip for C&C golf course



Joined: 29 April 2004
Posts: 3
29 April 2004 23:33 (UK time)

use a rocket launcherits preferred that you DONT use the arty on nod or the mrls if you are gdi but here it is go to the first rock on the right closest to your base get as close to it as you can,but make sure you can see the agt or the obelisk and fire at it and you will hit it because of its long range since its the first rock you are out of range for the enemy defence to kill you.dont forget to bring other weapons if you can because rocket launchers SUCK at fighting other infantry and dont forget the they dont have unlimited ammo so you will have to go back for more refills probably every 45 seconds depending on the enemy defences health bar.
Thank you for your time
Remember it works for me and might not work for you so if it doesnt work for you dont come complaining to me

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