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Joined: 26 September 2003
Posts: 1152
12 June 2009 21:30 (UK time)

yeah, that's what I said.

click here, download the program, make a new game control for meteor 2, and get with it!

I just set it up for 2 player Go For It, and it's pretty rad.

Camspace basically translates props you hold up to your webcam into key/mouse/joystick controls. So, I made a controller that let me play go for it. Maybe tomorrow I'll try to play meteor 2.

It helps to have 2 monitors, so you get to see the feedback from the camera, as well as what's going on ingame.

It works pretty well, depending on your lighting conditions.

It also gets you more exercise than a regular mouse and keyboard. (you'll never need to go outside again.)

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Joined: 26 June 2007
Posts: 1478
12 June 2009 22:32 (UK time)

Heh! EyeToy Meteor :>
Gotta try that, thanks!

I wonder if I can use a toy gun as my mouse, hehe :p

EDIT: Mh, great, 8 fps >.<
Also the select game button doesn't work for some reason o.O

EDIT2: Woah, their forum does have a little spam problem :p

This link is dead. It's only still here because, err... yknow, it's some sort of... memorial.

Edited: 12 June 2009 23:24

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Joined: 01 March 2007
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13 June 2009 07:13 (UK time)

Sounds funny. I will try to play Meteor 2 or Go for it with my joystick. ;)
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14 June 2009 02:45 (UK time)

That's crazy. Those things seem so complicated. I'm better of getting my 30 minutes a day excercise the old-fashioned way. Good ol' joggin.

EDIT: This is a little off topic but has anyone tried playing meteor with only keyboard? I wouldn't dare try M2 that way but since M1 is real easy it might be worth the shot. I always wished the controls would be more like:

W - Move North
S - Move South
A - Move West
D - Move East

Right Arrow - Rotate shooting angle Clockwise
Left Arrow - Rotate shooting angle Counter-Clockwise

That way you can use the keyboard and not be restricted to 4 shooting angles, or having to time your shots while the player rotates toward the direction you are walking in. In fact I'd prefer that and no mouse controls. Customizable controls are in order here.
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Edited: 15 June 2009 01:23

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Joined: 26 June 2007
Posts: 1478
15 June 2009 13:11 (UK time)


I once modded M2 so you can sorta play like that, it's not so hard.

This link is dead. It's only still here because, err... yknow, it's some sort of... memorial.

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