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Viewing Thread: Cra.ppylos Potential


 Official Sponsor

Joined: 06 October 2004
Posts: 287
19 July 2005 03:53 (UK time)

JB writes:
I am starting to have future ideas about dynamic lighting...

You don't have to wait until M3 and a new OpenGL-based shrouder system with lighting, shadows, shrouders, etc, etc.
M2 could do some pretty cool stuff now if it used Cra.ppylos.

0. Global shrouder toggle
1. Solid sectors could have individual shrouder toggles
2. Movable / destroyable objects could have CW shrouder polygons attached to them
* crates, bunkers
* large tanks (shrouder polygon would rotate with it)
(When you're in a vehicle object, you need to turn the shrouders for it off.)
* ? turn off shrouders for all objects on player's team ? (? toggleable ?)

Edited: 19 July 2005 04:03

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Joined: 10 July 2004
Posts: 142
19 July 2005 03:54 (UK time)

wow awsome!

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Joined: 26 September 2003
Posts: 1152
19 July 2005 04:03 (UK time)

would sharred site be possible, or would every individual get its on sight?
--on chat--

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 Official Sponsor

Joined: 06 October 2004
Posts: 287
19 July 2005 04:10 (UK time)

Cra.ppylos cannot directly support shared sight. I could but it's not worth it considering that I have plans 90% finished for the next Shrouder system. I suppose someone could render shrouders to offscreen bitmaps and logically blend them together, but that would cause immense slowdown.

The next OpenGL based shrouder system will support all of that and much more.

Details Buried here: (6th post?)

Edited: 19 July 2005 04:13

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