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Viewing Thread: Moving tiles


Dave Man

Joined: 19 October 2003
Posts: 374
13 April 2005 13:34 (UK time)

I am making a cammera for many of my levels, ones that you have to avoid, and It would be great if you had moving sectors that would move with the cammera, thus allowing script to be run when you step in front of the cammera's viewing range. Either that or have a option to execute script if a object enters viewing angle of a object. Like a
You would have to have the viewing demminsions defined above. The cone would attach to the front (or up) on the object and as the object moves it would also moves.

This wold really be a great feature for stelth levels.

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Joined: 02 November 2003
Posts: 979
13 April 2005 21:10 (UK time)

Actually, have a laser or spotlight or somthing (whatever you want to be that you have to avoid) object, and set it's range to 1-2 and infinate health. The effect is that whenever you run into it, it kills you (simulating getting caught on camera). Then, bind the object to a waypoint once you get near it. There could also be an event trigger script running in the BG, doing the "OnObjectDie()" command, and when you destroy the camera, it sets the associated object to hidden, so you wont get hurt by it. Im pretty sure JB will rev-amp alot of things in the full version, so the movemtents and reations of the object "CameraSight" wont be so linear.

Although, having the ability to bind a SECTOR to a way point would add ALOT more versatitlity to the game. People would offically be able to create mods only made on sectors.

The differance would be that objects, are free thinking or can be used over and over, and take the shape and look of anything (depending on how you make the sprite). Sectors, however, are usually static and they are non-thinking, unless bound by a waypoint, but have much more abilities to control the game enviornment visually and event wise.

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Joined: 23 January 2005
Posts: 745
14 April 2005 05:34 (UK time)

Gah! double post accedentally

Edited: 14 April 2005 05:34

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Joined: 23 January 2005
Posts: 745
14 April 2005 05:34 (UK time)

Wow thats a really great idea, but it would be nice to have a sector instead of just dying like splinter cell, you fail the mission.

Then you could use an alarm sound and bind a few objects to waypoints that lead to you.

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