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Viewing Thread: Shadow Issues


Joined: 23 January 2005
Posts: 745
12 August 2005 17:21 (UK time)

In 1.0, if a shadow is crossing a solid sector, the shadow allows the solid sector under it to be open(as if it were land), but only in the shadow.

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Joined: 16 June 2005
Posts: 1599
12 August 2005 20:02 (UK time)

Simple. The front sector's passabe type is used as the sector-group's passable type. Like:
You have two sectors with IDs of 4 and 5. 4 is solid and 5 is land. You have a cell with the sector ID 4 and because it's the front sector, it's used. But Sector ID 5 is at the front and you place it over sector ID 4 and becuase it's in the front, it's passable type (which is in this case land) is used instead.

This makes water bridges possible.

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James Bunting
Joined: 17 September 2003
Posts: 1308
12 August 2005 21:30 (UK time)

Sure its a sector stack and top sector defines the passable type (shadow or not).

The correct method (well what I do) is to create another solid shadow (without any shadow overlaps).

Take a look at the mission maps for examples.

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Joined: 02 November 2003
Posts: 979
12 August 2005 23:16 (UK time)

Well, generally, there are a few bugs and errors in ALL of the maps ive noticed, mainly the ones that were developed during the beta version.

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