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Viewing Thread: aiming



Joined: 08 October 2003
Posts: 7
27 April 2005 08:29 (UK time)

The tank in mission 3 and all other multi-weapon vehicles have a basic parallax problem: aim should be separate for each gun and measured from its pivot, while currently each weapon remains parallel and its heading corresponds to the angle between the crosshair and an unobvious point in the middle of the vehicle.
This defect complicates aiming considerably: you must look at the gun barrels instead than at the crosshair.

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Joined: 02 November 2003
Posts: 979
27 April 2005 21:09 (UK time)

Yes, this "problem" has been issued before.

It might be fixed, as it isnt really a problem, just how the guns are set to operate. I personally think that if they are set to fire at the crossheirs, it'll look and play worse, although aiming will be better (no challenge!! :O).

Perhaps, it should just aim in the general direction (it still doesnt aim direct at the crossheirs center, but its around that aria) of the mouse?

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Joined: 23 January 2005
Posts: 745
27 April 2005 22:24 (UK time)

Yeah, its a hard problem, but we discussed the idea of having different crosshairs per weapon so for the tank there might be a sprite with different crosshairs.

Otherwise, just stick to making vehicles with one turret.

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Joined: 08 October 2003
Posts: 7
28 April 2005 08:22 (UK time)

I think separate crosshairs would be a good compromise between simulating the inherent diffculty of aiming two weapons at the same time and the need for accuracy.

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