Title:		Claustrophobia  
Version:	1.0          
Filename:	Claustro.WAD
Author:		Robert Berkowitz
E-mail:		docbob@slip.net
Website:	http://www.slip.net/~docbob/doom2.html
Description:	A single-level Doom2 PWAD.
Previous WADs by author:
9 levels of Realm Of Chaos (rlmchaos.zip
4-level Enter Night (including this level; entrnite.zip)
Deathmatch Canyon (canyondm.zip)
Deathmatch Keep (dethkeep.zip)
*Play Information*

Game:  Doom2
Level #:  MAP 01
Single Player:  Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player:  Yup, but untested
Deathmatch 2-4 Player:  Yes, but untested
Difficulty Settings:  Definitely
New Sounds:  No
New Graphics:  SKY4 from Ultimate Doom
New Music:  No
Demos Replaced:  None


Base:  New level from scratch
Build Time:  About 30 hours
Editor(s) Used:  All the good editors for the MacIntosh:
Hellmaker v1.2b2, MacBSP v1.0, WARM v1.0b1, Deimos v0.4.1b


Authors MAY use this level as a base, but only if you ask
me first. You MAY distribute this WAD in any format, as long
as you include this text file.