  Game              : Doom 2
  Title             : Bastard
  Filename          : Bastard.wad
  Author            : Jonathan Hopkinson
  Internet Address  : hopkins@smartlink.net
  Description       : My second set of levels. Contains several traps and
                      powerful monster as well as a MAZE of TORCHES, a couple
                      of TREES, and a raise platform maze surrounded with
                      poison.  Most of the mazes are on the second level.
                      The last level is the window level...It contains many
                      windows so any monster can fire upon you.  The first
                      level just contains a pyramid exit. I recommend you
                      play networked because one player mode is quite hard.
                      Note: Some of the traps will make you think I am a
                      bastard hence the name. None of the will kill you
                      without a chance.
  Other WADS        : Stars

 * Player Information *

 Levels                 : Map01, Map02, Map03
 Single Player          : Yes
 Cooperative 2-4 player : Yes (recommended)
 Deathmatch 2-4 player  : Yes (recommended with NO MONSTERS)
 Difficulty Settings    : Not implemented
 New Sounds             : Yes (Warning contains some PROFANITY)
 New Graphics           : No
 New Music              : Yes (From SoundBlaster AWE-32 Utils)
 Demos Replaced         : None

 * Construction *
 Base            : New levels from scratch
 Editor used     : DoomEd 4.2 for windows
 Known Bugs      : None harmful..(On the second board a texture some how got
                    duplicated so there is two on top of each other. But
                    this does not affect the game in any way.)
 Time            : 50 hours
 Date            : November/December 1995 
 * Permissions *

 Authors may use these levels as a base to build additional levels as long
 as credit is give to original author.

 This WAD may be distributed as long as this file, with no modifications, is 
 included.  You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Disk,
 CD, etc.) as long as you include this file, with no modifications.