---- Daemon Version 2 Level ---
    "And you thought Imps were bad"

This is version 2.0 of deamon.wad.  It's a standard level
with a deathmatch component.  I haven't tried it in
deathmatch (yet).

This version fixes the hall-of-mirrors effects (which were my
fault due to my construction and mode-type for the doors :)
It also includes several more rooms and traps, plus more
"murder holes" for deathmatch.

Deamon2's got some nasty traps - so watch out!  >:-)

If you like levels with puzzles and nifty effects, then Daemon 2
is for you!

Except for texture and alignment, please email me about bugs you
find.  I'd also like to know what you think of it!

Thanks to the authors of DEU 5.0 and BSP 1.0.
This wad was created using DEU 5.0 (non-beta) and running the
output through BSP.

Have fun!

Title:       Daemon2.wad
Author:      Cameron Newham (cam@iinet.com.au)
Type:        Standard/Deathmatch
Base:        New level from scratch
Build Time:  22 Hours 
Bugs:        Numerous texture align.

ftp sites:   ocf.unt.edu: /pub/incoming

- cameron.
"We're talk'n swoon.  We're talk'n croon.
 We're talk'n moon in June.  We're talk'n..... DooM!"