THD FILES ********* Basically THD files correct the orientation of Things in maps, the only purpose for this is to set the correct angle for models that are used to replace yawing sprites. Risen3D v2.2.10 already provides THD files for all the iwads - Doom, Doom2 TNT and Plutonia courtesy of Prophet however these may be updated from time to time. Pwads can also use THD files eg; Master levels courtesy of Prophet Installing a THD **************** Just unzip to the location where you installed Risen3D. Assuming you installed to C:\Risen3D - all relative files will be unzipped into the following folder: C:\Risen3D\Data\THD\Pwad Creating a THD file ******************* Open a text file and use the following format .... # Risen3D THING ANGLE MODIFIER for PWADS # Used with decoration models to set the correct starting angle # when replacing sprites that are just aligned to the view plane. [WAD NAME] E1M1 {T16 W T276 S T277 N T275 S T278 W T293 SE T294 SW T393 E T394 W T387 N T30 S} E1M2 {T527 S T524 S T551 W T552 W T456 E T457 E T458 E T403 E T305 SW T704 N T705 N} The first entry in the above example is E1M1 {T16 W} This indicates that Episode1 map01 Thing 16 needs to face West. Anyone wishing to submit a THD file of their favorite pwad, send it to the Risen3D team and it will be added to the maps section of the website.